Dr. Neil Cohn
Headshot for Dr. Neil Cohn
Agent: Adam Schear
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Neil Cohn’s academic book Who Understands Comics was nominated for an Eisner Award. He is the co-creator of the melting face emoji which was featured everywhere from the New York Times to the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He is a cognitive scientist internationally recognized for his pioneering research on the relationship of visual communication and language. He received his doctorate in cognitive psychology at Tufts University. He is currently a tenured Associate Professor of Cognition and Communication at Tilburg University in The Netherlands. Dr. Cohn is the author of more than 70 academic papers, 4 academic books, and 2 graphic novels. A regular speaker at Comic-Con International in San Diego, Dr. Cohn has consulted about visual communication for companies including Microsoft, Google, Snapchat, and Archie Comics.

    Forthcoming from Bloomsbury Academic